Information for Parents and Guardians
Modules Overview
Full STEAM Ahead Into Summer is a virtual summer program and academic enrichment opportunity that combines hands-on exploration, project design, and skill building in STEM subjects. Over the course of three weeks, learners will engage in the modules detailed below!
Exploring Outer Space with CubeSats:
This module explores some of the more interesting aspects of how we explore both space along with how we better understand the Earth using open-source satellite data . Through projects, students will work with open-source satellite data, build model cubesats, and understand data collection.
Music Instruments & Data – Sonifying Your Data:
In this module students will work with polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe to design and create playable musical instruments. Using climate data trends from NASA Climate research source, students will be tasked with composing a custom piece related to climate data such as atmospheric CO2 concentration or global temperature anomalies. Along with this, they will be encouraged to create their own notation systems and to collaborate with other members of their group in combined performances.
The World Around Us – Observational Exploration:
“The World Around Us” consists of several activities that encourage students to make observations around their homes and to consider why things are the way they are. Activities will include making sundials and journaling about local flora and fauna.
Building Wind Turbines:
During this activity, students are introduced to the concept of harnessing the power of the wind for energy and common problems associated with wind turbines. They will build model turbines with supplies from their kits that they think will best match the needs of the environment they’re given.
Two-Stage Water Rockets:
This hands-on activity encourages students to build and test rockets made out of soda bottles. By exploring the process of iterative design, students will get multiple chances to design and redesign their rocket to accomplish various challenges. By the end of the activity, the students involved will understand the importance of the iterative process of design, the importance of ‘failing fast’, and the fun outcomes you get when you keep improving on a design.
Daily Schedule Overview
The general daily schedule for students can be found below. This will be the case for most Mondays through Thursdays, and we’re in the process of configuring the hours for each Friday. As we get closer to the start of the first session, a full weekly schedule will be posted!
The STEAM Kits will include a selection of components and materials that participating students will need to build and participate with the modules.
- A short list of these includes:
- BBC micro:bit
- PVC pipe for various builds
- Water bottle rocket launcher
- A variety of LEDs, wires, motors, and craft materials
- Tools for assisting with your build and more!
- The cost of each kit is $125 (plus S&H) but any amount you can give is greatly appreciated and all donations will go towards providing kits.
- Session 1 (July 6 – 24)
- Kits will be available for a socially-distanced pick-up or mailed during the week of June 29th
- Session 2 (August 3 – 21)
- Kits will be available for a socially-distanced pick-up or mailed in late July
- Pick-up locations for the kits are currently planned for Cambridge, Lawrence, and Framingham. More details to come as we approach the week of June 29th.
Full STEAM Ahead Book Club
This year’s program will also feature a book club in addition to the numerous activities taking place in each session. For the program, we will all be reading The Lost Tribes by author C. Taylor-Butler (a MIT alumna!), and all students will be provided with a copy with their STEAM Kits. Read more about this science fiction, adventure book below!
Five friends are in a race against time in this action-adventure story involving ancient tribal artifacts that hold the fate of the universe in the balance. None of these trailblazers imagined their ordinary parents as scientists on a secret mission. But when their parents go missing, they are forced into unfathomable circumstances and learn of a history that is best left unknown, for they are catalysts in an ancient score that must be settled. As the chaos unfolds, opportunities arise that involve cracking codes and anticipating their next moves. This book unfolds sturdy, accurate scientific facts and history knowledge where readers will surely become participants.